Day 3


Colossians 1:17

“He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.”

Before any of us existed, God was present. This can be a challenging concept for us to understand at times and leads to questions. Questions are good because we discover answers, more about God and who He is.

Paul lived the words he wrote. Before he was Paul, he was Saul a Jewish religious leader who persecuted Christians in the early church. He would discover Jesus one day and his life would be radically transformed. He became a follower of Jesus and would spend the rest of his life preaching, teaching, establishing churches throughout the world and would write one third of the New Testament. Multiple times Paul would be shipwrecked, beaten, stoned, put in prison and under house arrest. Through it all as he shared the message of Jesus he was held by God.

Right now, life may feel unsettling filled with many unknowns. Maybe you walked into this time of prayer and fasting not fully knowing what to expect. You might be thinking, “What am I doing?” “What am I going to encounter and experience in 2025?”

God is the constant in each of our lives and He’s holding you together. In those times that you feel like your life is unraveling God is holding you. In the moments of doubt, confusion and longing for something better God is holding you. When life is full of joy, bittersweet, peaceful, stressful, draining, busy and good God is holding you. He has got you and he’ll never let you go. Let’s take it a step further…as God holds all creation together, He is working things out for your good. Today ask God to be your strength in the midst of whatever you’re walking through. Ask him to hold you together like he holds all of creation together. In the asking trust and believe. Throughout the day when the doubting thoughts come into your mind, or you feel anxious, or you just need some encouragement take a moment to say this breath prayer. You may find yourself saying it throughout the day and as you do, you’ll reset your nervous system and your thoughts.

Breath Prayer:
Inhale: Be my strength every morning.
Exhale: And save me in my distress.
Breath prayer taken from “Breath as Prayer” by Jennifer Tucker 

Take some time to reflect on the moments in your life when God held you together. He is the same God who will continue to hold you together in your present and in all your tomorrow’s.

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