Day 18


“God’s plan is for me to understand who He is. And He is my peace.”
- Ann Voskamp

Let those words get into your heart, mind, and soul.
When life feels overwhelming, He is your peace.
When life knocks you down, He is your peace.
When life is spinning out of control, He is your peace.
When life asks a lot of you, He is your peace.
In everything, He is your peace.

Colossians 3:15
“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body, you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.”

This peace that Paul writes about surpasses all understanding and comes from a personal relationship with God. You can be confident knowing that God is always with you, and working things out for your good, even when it doesn’t look that way. When you choose to have God’s peace with you, including in the storms of life, you are growing spiritually. Let God’s peace be your guide! What or who is ruling your heart? It's easy to get caught up in our day-to-day life and never-ending to-do lists, and unknowingly make spending time with Jesus a second thought. When you choose to have Jesus as the focus of your life, walking with Him daily, you experience His peace.

Before Jesus died on the cross, some of the words to His disciples, and all of us were, “I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give you is a gift that the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27b

This peace is a gift that Jesus gives to you every day and one He never withholds. As we’re called to live in peace with one another, make it a practice to share this gift with others!

What does it look like for you to be a peacemaker wherever God places you? To believe the best about one another, have a heart of compassion, and be patient with one another when it would be easier to get frustrated. Being a peacemaker means forgiving one another and conversing to reconcile, instead of holding onto an offense. We are to love one another with a love that comes from Jesus!

Paul ends this passage with a call to be thankful. Do you ever stop in the middle of your day and think about ALL of your blessings? We overlook so many of them even being able to read this devotional! According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, there are 754 million illiterate adults around the world, most of whom are women. You likely have a home with running water and indoor plumbing that is warm and cozy in the winter and cool and comfortable in the summer. We have so much to be thankful for.

Set aside some time today to gather with your family or roommates, or call up a family member or friend and share with them who and what you’re thankful for. Ask them in turn to share with you and truly listen; hear the thankfulness in their voice. At the end of the conversation, pray for them and thank God that they are a part of your life! Thankfulness has the power to change your attitude and perspective.

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