Day 19


Colossians 3:16
“Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom He gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.”

We live out this verse by filling our lives with God’s word. A practical way to study and read the Bible is by using the SOAP method. To begin, you’ll need a Bible, journal, and pen.

S- Scripture: Read a passage in the Bible. Then, highlight or underline a verse that stands out and write it in your journal.

O- Observation: Take a few minutes to observe the text. Write down the following questions along with your answers: What is the main idea? What is God saying to me in these scriptures? What do these scriptures say about God and His character?

A- Application: Write down your thoughts on the following questions: How can I apply these scriptures daily? Are there any changes I need to make in my life such as my attitude or habits based on these scriptures? How does this verse encourage or guide me?

P- Prayer: Write a prayer and ask God to help you live out the scriptures you read today. Pause and listen to what God speaks; write it down so you can read it throughout your day.

Through this spiritual practice, your life will be filled with wisdom which you will be able to share with others. As followers of Jesus, we grow by telling one another what God has been teaching us and doing in our lives. This week, find time to share with a family member or friend something God taught you through a scripture passage, and how you’re living it out.

Another spiritual practice that fills our hearts and creates a thankful posture is worshipping God!  

“I believe that a grateful heart is a worshipful heart. Real worship and praise flow from a place that is saying ‘thank you.’ It flows from a place of saying, ‘I need you and you fulfilled every need, I cried, and you answered,’ all the things that He’s done–I say thank you for all those things.” - Phil Wickham

When we gather as a faith community, we sing out to God with thankful hearts. In worship, we declare who God is. We each express a thankful heart in a variety of ways. During worship, you may begin to cry from being moved by the words of a song, feeling overwhelmed by the love of God, or releasing the emotions of a challenging week. You might raise your hands and fall to your knees in an act of surrender, shout out in victory for God's faithfulness, or even dance in thankfulness for God's gift of freedom from shame. You may sing out LOUD because you have lived the words of a song and realize an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Something powerful happens when we come together to worship God! His presence fills the space and He's moved by our praise and love for Him. Through songs, we are reminded of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

Today, put on a worship song and notice what you experience in your heart, mind, and body. Let your thankfulness for God come out in a beautiful expression of your worship to Him!

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