October: Week 2

Happy Sunday everyone!

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered why Jesus created you the way that He did? Sometimes we wonder what God's plans for us are. This week your child learned that God has great plans and a purpose for each one of us and knowing Him - that's the best plan EVER! Our elementary life groups looked at the story of Matthew and how knowing Jesus changes how he saw himself. Check it out in the book of Matthew 9:9-13. Preschool life groups looked at the plan God had for David and that included caring for the sheep when a big animal was after it. Check the story out to see what happened in 1 Samuel 17:34-37

Dive in a little deeper with your family: 


Grade School

For more information, resources and ways to be the spiritual champion in your home, check out https://www.newhopechurch.org/get-involved-old/hope-town/.

Posted on October 10, 2021