October: Week 1

Hi NHKids!

Have you ever made something that was one of kind? Guess what? That's how God felt about us when He made you and I! Your child kicked off a new series this month about being one of a kind. Our preschoolers looked at the life of David and how God made David for a specific reason - to be a king! Check it out in the book of 1 Samuel 16:6-13. Our kids in elementary small groups looked at the idea of being made in God's image and that, friends, is GOOD! Check out the story in Genesis 1:26-28.

Dive in a little deeper with your family: 


Grade School

For more information, resources and ways to be the spiritual champion in your home, check out https://www.newhopechurch.org/get-involved-old/hope-town/.

Posted on October 03, 2021