April: Week 1
Hey NH Kids Families! Its a new month and you know what that means- a BRAND NEW series in our preschool and elementary life groups. We kicked off the month with knowing that God will always make something good out of something bad.
Preschool life groups learned about the story of Jesus walking on the water! Can you imagine being Peter or even being on the boat seeing something miraculous like that? Check out the story in God's word in Matthew 14:22-23. We can be confident that Jesus wants to be our friend forever!
Our elementary age life groups looked at Lazarus and how Jesus raised him from the DEAD! We're sure you're gonna hear something about this! Check it out in John 11:1-45 to get all of the details. We can stand firm knowing that whatever happens, we can remember how powerful God is.
This week take a moment each day, whether at the beginning in the carline or during dinner/clean up to recognize and identify all the good and powerful things God did in your family. It's a pretty cool thing to recognize!
Click here for more family resources from today!
Posted on April 03, 2022