March: Week 4
Hey NH Kids Families!
And in the blink of an eye we are wrapping up ANOTHER month of learning what it means to work together and sharing Jesus with everyone we come in contact with. We hope you have been able to have amazing conversations with your child about what they are learning during their time with us!
Elementary life groups ended the month with the story of the first church working together and sharing their lives with one another. Check it out in Acts chapter 2:42-47. God did amazing things through the early church and He continues to do them through the life of NewHope and YOUR family too! There are plenty of was you can serve together and make a big impact. Check out our NH Missions page for more information on how to be the hands and feet of Jesus and SERVE.
Preschool life groups is ending their walk around the neighborhood by talking about the story where Jesus feeds 5,000 people! WHEW! That's a LOT of people! The little boy who brought his five loaves and two fishes- he decided to let Jesus use what he had in his lunch box and Jesus used it in a big way. It not only changed HIS life, but 4,999 of those around him too!
Click here for more family resources from today!
Posted on March 27, 2022