February: Week 3

Week 3 in NH Kids was a BLAST today! We learned about so many ways we can be compassionate and include others so they feel loved too! How is being an "includer" going for your family? Do we look at those around us the way Jesus looks at you and me - in need of a friend and most importantly, a Savior? It's not too late to try if you haven't! 

This week in our elementary life groups, we looked at the amazing story of Jesus feeding the FIVE THOUSAND. YES, that is 5,000 people with only 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish. I don't know about your family, but that typically would be just a meal reserved for one. But with Jesus, we can always expect the unexpected. God's word teaches us through this story to use what we have to help those around us. Check it out in John 6:1-13. Take a look around your house - what do you not use any more that might help someone else? As a family, be thinking about how you can help others - without the expectation of something in return. Serving as a family is a GREAT way to be outward focused instead of inward focused.

Our preschool life groups climbed trees WAYYY up high and learned about the story of Zacchaeus. You can find this great example of a story in Luke 19: 1-10. You see, Zacchaeus was not a person that anyone wanted to be friends with...except...for JESUS! Jesus made it a point to be an example and even had dinner at this guy's house. Jesus loves everyone - including those who aren't perfect- which is ALL of us. It has been said that what our children see makes so much more of an impact than the words they are taught. How do you treat others around you?

Click here for more family resources from today!

Posted on February 20, 2022