April Week 2

We had a great time in hopetown learning all about God's word with your child this week! Your preschooler looked at the special moment when Jesus made breakfast for the disciples on the beach after He rose from the grave! You can find out more about this story with a yummy meal in God's word: John 21:1-14. Your gradeschooler learned all about keeping the peace and how it's more important to keep peace with those around you than winning an argument. They looked at a special verse in the New Testament, Colossians 3:15 as a reminder for this coming week.

Dive in a little deeper with your family: 


Grade School

For more information, resources and ways to be the spiritual champion in your home, check out https://www.newhopechurch.org/get-involved-old/hope-town/.

Posted on April 11, 2021