October Week 4: Too Much of a Good Thing!
Hey there NewHope Families! We had another amazing day at NewHope Kids and we hope to continue the fun and see you at Fall Fest! As you step into this Halloween week, here is a glimpse of what your children learned about today at church…
Today, your elementary schooler took a look at Proverbs 25:16 which says, “If you find honey, eat just enough. If you eat too much of it, you will throw up.” Although this is a pretty odd verse, it has a very practical meaning. Your children learned how too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. For example, playing video games is fine, but if you play too much and ignore doing your schoolwork and chores, then it becomes a bad thing. This week is a great way to put this lesson into practice through your Halloween candy. As your children collect their goodies, help them to determine what is a good amount of candy and what is too much. If there is excess, find a way to give it away to encourage someone’s day or help someone in need!
Today your preschooler learned the story of Jonah (1:1-3:3). Jonah actually tried to run away from God. But no matter where Jonah went, God was always with him. God never stopped loving him! This week, as your child has bath time, include a toy fish or whale and retell the story of Jonah. As your child, where was God with Jonah? Repeat with your child "God was with Jonah on a boat, in the water, in a big fish, and when he went to Nineveh! God is with me wherever I go!"
CLICK HERE for more information on what your children are learning in NH Kids this month!
Posted on October 27, 2024