February Week 3: Salvation Sunday!

Hey families and welcome back for another amazing Sunday in NH Kids! We hope you had a great Valentine’s day. This month, our kiddos are learning all about Jesus’ love and kindness for us! Today our preschoolers learned about Zacchaeus and how Zacchaeus climbed a tree to see Jesus (Luke 19:1-10). Zacchaeus had done some bad things that caused others not to like him, but Jesus showed him love in spite of all those things. Similarly, today our Elementary schoolers learned the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Jesus told a story about a man who was in need and how only his enemy stopped to help him. Jesus expressed the importance of showing love to those who are different from us. Jesus did this in the greatest way, by giving up his life for us. 

With that, today we celebrated Salvation Sunday! On this special Sunday, we give a clear gospel presentation to all of our elementary classrooms, explaining what Jesus did on the cross and what this means for their life. This is in the hope that children take the next step in their faith journey, to ask Jesus to be the leader of their life. 

This is in partnership with the conversations you are already having at home with your child. Introducing your child to Jesus is one of the greatest joys and responsibilities of being a parent. If you are looking for some helpful tips on how to start a gospel conversation at home, CLICK HERE to check out this helpful resource. This week, see how you can begin to insert gospel truths into your conversations with your child. This may look like reminding your 4 year old that Jesus loves them, or teaching your 8 year old what God’s forgiveness looks like. Our team is praying for you and cheering you on!

CLICK HERE for more information on what your children are learning in NH Kids this month! 

Posted on February 18, 2024