February Week 1: Kindness in Action!

Hey Families and welcome back to NH Kids. Today we had a great time learning all about God’s love and how we can share kindness with others. Today, both our preschoolers and Elementary schoolers learned about how Jesus showed kindness to a man who everyone else tried to stay away from. This man had some bad “boo boos”. He had a skin disease that no doctor or medicine could heal. People would stay far away from anyone with this disease because they were afraid of getting sick too. But Jesus showed love and kindness even to the people whom others saw as outcasts. Jesus touched the man’s skin and healed him! (Matthew 8:1-3; Mark 1:40-45).

This month, we encourage your family to put kindness into action like Jesus did. We have an awesome challenge happening this month, where we are choosing to see and notice those that others may not. We have a larger population of people in our Durham community who are facing home and food insecurity. In this cold winter month, we are encouraging all of our NewHope families to donate warm items (socks, gloves, hats, and even blankets) that can be given to those in need. If you are able, bring your child to the store and invite them to pick out a pair of gloves and a hat in their favorite color. Remind your child how we can show kindness like Jesus by helping those in need.

CLICK HERE for more information on what your children are learning in NH Kids this month! 

Posted on February 04, 2024