January Week 2: God cares for us!

Hey there families and welcome back for another amazing Sunday in NH Kids. Today your kids continued to learn more about the teachings of Jesus. Our Elementary school classrooms learned about a story Jesus told in Luke chapter 12 about a man who built large barns to hold all the extra food he had. He did this to try and build up his wealth, but ended up never getting the chance to use it or enjoy it (Luke 12:13-21). From this story, your child learned the importance of being generous and sharing what they have with those who may not have as much. We encourage your family to find ways that you can be generous this week. This may look like donating inviting your child to go through their room and choose a few toys or clothing items to donate. 

Today our preschool classrooms learned all about Jesus’ teaching in Matthew Chapter 6 where Jesus reminds us that we don’t need to worry. Jesus taught how God takes care of the birds and the flowers and always provides what they need. God loves us even more than birds and flowers and God will take care of us so that we don’t need to worry (Matthew 6:25-34). Flowers can be a very tangible reminder for your child of God’s love for them. We encourage you to bring some flowers into your home, whether it is a fake set of flowers, a bouquet, or even a plant you grow from the seed. Each time your child sees the flowers you can remind them that God is taking care of them and they do not need to worry.

CLICK HERE for more information on what your children are learning in NH Kids this month! 

Posted on January 14, 2024