December Week 3: Jesus Came for Everyone!
Hey families, Thank you for joining us for another amazing Sunday. Today, we wrapped up our series on the characters of the Christmas story by talking about the shepherds and the wisemen. Your child learned how these two groups of people came to visit Jesus and worship Him as the king and savior! (Luke 2:8-20; Matthew 2:1-12). But these two groups of people were very different. The wisemen were rich with important jobs, but they lived in a far off place surrounded by people who didn’t know much about Jesus. The Shepherds were poor outcasts, who had been waiting their whole lives for the Savior to come. Your child learned that Jesus came for every kind of person and loves everyone! Jesus doesn’t care if you are rich or poor, if you’ve read the whole Bible, or this was your first time coming to Church. Jesus came for YOU!
We encourage you to think about ways that you can solidify this truth in your own home and express love to someone different than you. This may look like inviting someone over for dinner who looks different than your family or even baking cookies for a neighbor who isn’t always kind to you. Show your child how Jesus came for all people and wants everyone to hear the Good News of the gospel!
We hope to see you next week at our Christmas Eve services. Since the services are in the evening, we invite all kiddos to come dressed in their favorite Christmas pajamas! We can’t wait to see you there!
CLICK HERE for more information on what your children are learning in NH Kids this month!
Posted on December 17, 2023