September: Week 3

Hey Families, and welcome back to NH Kids! It is always a joy to see your family at NewHope! Today, during our current prayer series, Adam taught about the prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10). One thing we learned about Jabez, is that he was specific in what he prayed for. What would it look like for your family to pick some specific things to pray about this month? 

Sit down with your family and write a list of a few specific prayer requests you would like to bring to God this month, and then make space to pray as a family. This may look like praying over your list before bed time each night, or hanging sticky notes with the prayer requests in a prominent place in your home. If you have children who are still learning to read, this may look like hanging pictures of people or things you want to pray for on your fridge. Update these prayer requests as you see God answering them!

CLICK HERE for more information on what your children are learning in NH Kids this month! 

Posted on September 17, 2023