September: Week 1

Hi Families, and happy Labor Day Weekend! Thank you for joining us in NH Kids! Today, your child started a brand new series for the fall. In our preschool classrooms, your child is learning how God knows what’s best for us. Today they took a look at the story of Adam and Eve, and how Adam and Eve chose to eat the fruit that God told them not to (Genesis 1:31, 2:8-3:24). Each week, your child will learn about a new Bible character and how God intervened to help show them an even better way! Your child will also be studying a memory verse all throughout the month of September, which says, “God . . . knows everything.” 1 John 3:20. As you buckle your child into their carseat each day, have them say this Bible verse along with you. Remind them that God sees them, knows them, and loves them and wants what is best for them! 

Your elementary schooler started a brand new series all about friendship! Each week, they will learn a new characteristic of being a good friend. Today they learned the importance of choosing your friends carefully (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Throughout this month, they will also be studying a memory verse in Proverbs 17, which says, “A friend loves at all times. They are there to help when trouble comes” Proverbs 17:17. One way that we help children memorize verses in NH Kids is by creating motions for each word in a verse. Encourage your child to walk you through the motions they learned, or make up your own. Repeat these before bedtime each night this week! 

Click HERE for more ways to connect today’s stories with your family and grow in your journey with Jesus!. 

Posted on September 03, 2023