August: Week 3

Hey Families! Thanks for joining us in NH Kids! Today we continued our series through the book of Genesis. Our preschoolers learned about the next day of creation, when God created the birds and the fish (Genesis 1). As your child learns about each new thing that God made, they learn how amazing and creative God is! Take some time to marvel at creation together as a family. This may look like going on a nature walk, gazing up at the stars, or taking a trip to the aquarium. Encourage your child to thank God for all the amazing things he created! 

Our Elementary Schoolers moved further in the book of Genesis to the story of Joseph! They learned how God used Joseph as a part of his big plan to save the people in Egypt, including Joseph’s family (Genesis 40-41).There are problems that happen in life and sometimes God uses us to be a part of the solution. Your child learned how God gave them creativity to be problem solvers. As challenges arise this week, encourage your child to think of a way to solve the problem. This could be with an issue they are having with a friend at school, or getting a poor grade on a spelling test. Encourage your child to come up with creative solutions and help them put these solutions into action.

Click HERE for more ways to connect today’s stories with your family and grow in your journey with Jesus!

Posted on August 20, 2023