πŸ’™ February – Week 4 πŸ’™

We don’t know about you, but we have had so much fun being a superfan and learning about how much God desires to be our friend! Your grade schooler finished out the month by learning the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. Jesus still desires for us to care for those around us EVEN if they are different in look, language, ability, etc. Jesus died and rose for everyone and that means we get to care for EVERYONE around us. Your preschooler ended the month learning about the story of the thankful woman in Luke 7:36-50. Sometimes we wonder if Jesus still wants to be our friend even though we’ve not always made the best choices and the answer is YES!

Dive in a little deeper with your family: 

  • Take inventory as a family, do you surround yourselves and serve those who are different than your family is? If not, look for ways to do so! God created us equally and everything He made was for His glory. Let us make sure and remember that everyone deserves to have a friend and more importantly, deserves to know Jesus!

For more information, resources and ways to be the spiritual champion in your home, check out https://www.newhopechurch.org/get-involved-old/hope-town/.

Posted on February 28, 2021