April: Week 5

Hey there Families! Thank you for joining us in NH Kids today! As we continued in the stories of all that happened after Jesus came back to life, your preschooler learned all about the life of the early church. They learned how people gathered together because they loved Jesus and they showed love to each other. They did this through sharing with each other and praying for one another. (Acts 2:42-47). We know that sharing can be a big deal at this age and we encourage you to set up intentional moments for your child to share this week. It may look like giving them a toy that is meant to be shared with the entire family, to practice taking turns, or by sharing their own toys with those in need through donating to a local thrift store. Before each of these moments, take time to pray with your child for those they will be sharing with.

Our elementary classes learned about the forgiveness that Jesus showed to Peter even after Peter had denied knowing Jesus. (John 21:1-19). Your child learned that it’s important to make things right with other people. It is powerful to show forgiveness and to admit when we did something wrong. This week, take an opportunity to share with your child a time when you had to make something right with someone else. Encourage them towards forgiveness in their own relationships.

Click HERE for even more ways to connect today’s stories with your family and grow in your journey with Jesus!

Posted on April 30, 2023