April: Week 3
Welcome back NewHope Families! We had another amazing day in NH Kids! Continuing in the story of the gospels, our preschool classes learned how Jesus had breakfast with his disciples after He came back to life. Jesus also showed Peter forgiveness (John 2:1-14). Your child learned about how Jesus was not only a friend to his disciples, but Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Each week your preschooler has studied the Bible verse found in Revelation 1:18 “I am alive for ever and ever!”. This week, help your child practice saying their memory verse by going on a memory verse walk. Say the memory verse as you take big strides, walk on your tiptoes, or race to the mailbox. Repeat the verse with different motions each time until your child can say it independently.
Our elementary school classes continued their study on humility and how to put others first just as Jesus did. Today they dove into the scriptures in Philippians chapter 2 to learn more about the ways Jesus showed humility (Philippians 2:3-8) This included their memory verse for this month, which says, “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3. To help your child learn their memory verse, write it down and put it somewhere they can see it, such as their lunch box, by their bed, or on their seat in the car. Throughout the week, encourage your child to read or recite this verse every time they see it. If your child can’t read yet, be sure to place their memory verse in places where they will find it with you and read it aloud to them. See if both you and your child can quote the verse without looking.
Click HERE for even more ways to connect today’s stories with your family and grow in your journey with Jesus!
Posted on April 16, 2023