February: Week 2

Hey Families, thanks for joining us in NH Kids today! Today both your preschooler and elementary schooler learned the story of when Jesus visited Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42). Our preschool classes focused on how Mary stopped everything to sit and listen to Jesus and spend time with Him. Jesus wants us to spend time with Him too, because He loves us! This week, show your child how they can spend time with Jesus. This could look like reading a Bible story to your child, praying with them, or even dancing along to a fun Jesus song. You can access the same songs your child sings along to in NH KIDS on Spotify at “Orange Kids Music”.

Through this same story, our elementary schoolers learned about how Jesus is the most important thing in our lives! Mary showed this to be true, because she stepped away from her other responsibilities to give her full attention to Jesus. The question was asked, “How do our lives show that Jesus is most important?” We encourage you to ask that question as a family. This week, how can your family put Jesus first? This may look like waking up a few minutes early to pray before starting into the busyness of the day. It could look like choosing to go to church instead of another event that may be happening on Sunday. It could even be as simple as turning off the TV and reading the Bible together as a family this week. Our team is praying for you as you consider ways that you can spend time with Jesus this week and, as a family, be intentional about putting God first! 

Posted on February 12, 2023