February: Week 1

Hi Families! We had another wonderful day in NH Kids. Today your preschooler learned all about how Jesus welcomed the children in Luke 18. You may have noticed that your child brought home a foam heart with their name on it. This was given to them as a reminder that Jesus loves all the children of the world and that means them too! We encourage you to find a special place to keep this heart where your child can see it often and remember the truth it represents. Take the heart when you pray at bedtime and thank Jesus for His amazing love!

Today your elementary schooler learned about how Jesus called His disciples in Luke 5. Jesus’ disciples were not the kind of people that everyone picked to be on their team or in their club, but Jesus saw them, loved them, and wanted to use them to do great things. Today your child asked the question, “Who in my life has felt left out and how can I include them?” This could look like sharing toys, or inviting someone to hang out after school, or playing with someone at recess who is sitting alone. We understand that sometimes our own kids may be on the other side of this question. This week, as you are driving to school, ask your child, “When has someone been kind to you lately?” and “When were you kind to someone lately?” Take it another step further and join in on the Random Act of Kindness Challenge hosted by NH Kids. You can receive a packet in NH Kids next Sunday or access a digital copy HERE.

Posted on February 05, 2023