A Christmas to Believe In: Week 4

Hey there families! Today we wrapped up our Christmas series with a little bit of a review. Your child was reminded of each character in the Christmas story and most importantly, Jesus. They were told why Jesus was born and that Jesus came as the Savior of the world. For your elementary child, they learned how Jesus came not only to save the world, but specifically to save them! They leaned into the story of the Gospel of how Jesus grew up to be a perfect man who never did anything wrong, yet He chose to take the punishment for the things we did wrong. Jesus did this so we could have a relationship with God that comes simply from believing in Him. Your child was given an invitation to believe in Jesus and start a forever friendship with Him. We encourage you to continue this conversation with your child. See what questions they have about today’s story. What do they really believe about Jesus? Then share with them what you believe about Jesus and why you celebrate Christmas! 

For our Preschoolers, they learned that Jesus was born in a stable where there were lots of animals! We celebrate Jesus’ birth because Jesus is God’s son, the Savior of the world. Jesus came because He loves each of us so much! Take every chance you can this week to tell your child how much Jesus loves them. Express this when you pray for them at bedtime, when they do something wrong, or even when they are feeling sad. Encourage your child to share Jesus’ love with the other people in your household! 

Posted on December 18, 2022