October: Week 2

Happy Sunday NH Kids Families! We had such a fun day today! Your preschooler had the chance to learn the rest of the story of Noah and the special promise that God gave Noah. God put a rainbow in the sky to promise He would never flood the entire earth again. Your child learned how God ALWAYS keeps His promises and a rainbow is a great tangible reminder of this truth. This week, read back over Genesis 8 with your child and go on a rainbow hunt. You may find one in the sky, or even make one with your backyard hose. Every time you see a rainbow, remind your child that God always keeps His promises.

For our elementary schoolers, we continued in the story of Joseph and learned about how Joseph showed forgiveness to his brothers. Joseph was able to forgive his brothers because he knew that God used even their wrong choices to bring about a better ending to the big story God was writing (Genesis 41-42). Forgiveness is a really hard choice to make and some of the best ways we learn to extend forgiveness is through receiving forgiveness. This week, be intentional with showing your child forgiveness. This way they may disobey or make a wrong choice. Remind them that God forgives them and you forgive them. Feel free to add a big hug as the cherry on top.

Click here for more family resources from today!

Posted on October 09, 2022